A word about herbs:
We strive to provide our customers with the best quality dried herbs available on the market.
Please note that the texture, colour, smell or other characteristics of appearance of a given herb may vary depending on the weather, soil or other conditions.
Each plant usually has one binomial scientific name (usually in Latin) and a multitude of common names. In recent years, numerous botanical names have changed mostly due to advances in DNA testing and subsequent moves within the phylogenetic tree. This is why, when consulting older or traditional herbal books one might find binomial scientific names inconsistent with the current labeling. For example, Labrador tea used to be called Ledum palustre, but has been moved to the Rhododendron genus and is currently identified as Rhododondron tomentosum. These changes in the naming nomenclature are officiated by the International Botanical Congress which meets usually every 6 years. Please feel free to contact us at info@healthfromnature.ca if you have any questions as to the scientific or common name of the herb that you are seeking or if you would like more information about it. If you are fascinated by botanical nomenclature (and who wouldn't be?), Anna Pavord's book "The naming of names" offers a captivating journey through the history of how humans arrived at names for plants.